Cooperation with National Institutions
HALMED collaborates with a range of institutions, chambers, and professional associations in the Republic of Croatia in the field of medicinal products and medical devices:
Ministry of Health
In accordance with legal regulations, HALMED, as the national regulatory body, maintains active and obligatory cooperation with the Ministry of Health in the areas of medicinal products, homeopathic medicinal products, medical devices, and dietary supplements.
Croatian Institute of Public Health
HALMED collaborates with the Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ) in the procurement, consultation, and pharmacovigilance of vaccines.
Ministry of Finance - Customs Administration, Ministry of Interior - Police Departments, and State Attorney's Office of the Republic of Croatia
HALMED cooperates with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Interior - Police, Customs Administration, and the State Attorney's Office on matters concerning illegal and counterfeit medicinal products. Additionally, HALMED supports activities to prevent the smuggling of psychoactive substances via postal services, substances not listed as prohibited but mimicking their effects, and substances banned in sports across state borders, as outlined in the Action Plan of the National Strategy on Addiction 2021-2030.
Croatian Health Insurance Fund
HALMED collaborates with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO) to inform healthcare professionals about critical safety issues through the Central Health Information System of the Republic of Croatia (CEZIH).
Ministry of Agriculture and Croatian Veterinary Institute
HALMED cooperates with the Ministry of Agriculture on production and supervision of good manufacturing practices for veterinary medicinal products (VMPs), as well as in the distribution and wholesale supervision of VMPs.
HALMED also collaborates with the Croatian Veterinary Institute (HVI) in the quality control of VMPs. For this purpose, HVI provides documentation and other information related to the quality of VMPs.
Croatian Pharmaceutical Society
HALMED works with the Croatian Pharmaceutical Society (HFD) through active participation of HALMED employees in HFD's professional sections, workshops, lectures, and symposiums. HALMED and HFD also conduct public educational campaigns, and the Pharmaceutical Gazette publishes new safety information on medicinal products and medical devices, as well as lists of newly registered medicinal products and those with new active substances, prepared by HALMED.
Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists
HALMED collaborates with the Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists (HLJK) to improve and regulate public health services under the chamber’s jurisdiction, aligned with the strategic goal of strengthening HALMED's national recognition as a significant factor in public health protection.
Croatian Medical Chamber
HALMED works with the Croatian Medical Chamber (HLK) to inform its members about critical safety issues concerning medicinal products and vaccines and organizes joint trainings for healthcare professionals.
Croatian Chamber of Nurses
HALMED collaborates with the Croatian Chamber of Nurses (HKMS) in organizing training sessions for nurses and providing information on important safety concerns related to medicinal products and vaccines.
State Intellectual Property Office
HALMED cooperates with the State Intellectual Property Office (DZIV). A HALMED representative participates as a member of the Coordination Committee for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights and the Working Group for Monitoring Normative Activities and Legal Implementation.
Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health
HALMED collaborates with the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health (IMI) on monitoring medicinal products overdoses, established in March 2016. The partnership also focuses on developing and improving regulatory procedures and guidelines for nanomedicines under the Obzor 2020 project "Science-based Risk Governance of Nanotechnology - RiskGone."
Through the participation of HALMED employees as lecturers in various courses, HALMED collaborates with several universities: Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Chemistry and Technology at the University of Split (Pharmacy studies) Andrija Štampar School of Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb (Medicine studies), Faculty of Science at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry at the University of Zagreb,