Medicinal Products

Fingolimod Medochemie 0,5 mg tvrde kapsule

Name Fingolimod Medochemie 0,5 mg tvrde kapsule
Marketing Authorisation Number HR-H-152836521
Active Substance fingolimodklorid
Composition svaka kapsula sadrži 0,5 mg fingolimoda (u obliku fingolimodklorida)
Pharmaceutical Form kapsula, tvrda
Manufacturer Balkanpharma - Dupnitsa AD, Dupnitsa, Bugarska
Actavis Limited, Zejtun, Malta
Marketing Authorisation Holder Medochemie Ltd., Constatinoupoleos Str. 1-10, Limassol, Cipar
Marketing Authorisation Date 23.09.2020
MA Period of Validity 23.09.2025
MA Revocation Date 11.02.2025*
Classification Number UP/I-530-09/20-01/14
Registration Number 381-12-01/38-20-05
Prescription Medicinal product subject to medical prescription
Type of prescription ograničeni recept
Distribution Supply through pharmacies (community)
Advertising to general public not allowed
ATC Code L04AA27
Marketing status nije stavljeno u promet
SmPC download
PL download
Public Assessment Report download
Educational materials
for healthcare professionals
Lista provjere za zdravstvene radnike, verzija 5
Educational materials
for patients / caregivers
Vodič za bolesnike, verzija 5
Vodič za roditelje skrbnike, verzija 3
Kartica za bolesnice s podsjetnikom o trudnoći, verzija 1


Marketing authorisation has been revoked by request of the marketing authorisation holder. In accordance with Article 113 of Medicinal Products Act (Official Gazette No. 76/13), only a medicinal product in respect of which a marketing authorisation has been granted by the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices or the European Commision, and a medicinal product in respect of which an authorisation for parallel import or parallel distribution has been granted may be placed on the market of the Republic of Croatia. By way of derogation from this provision, a batch of medicinal product may be on the market for no longer than 18 months following the expiry of revocation of the marketing authorisation, unless its shelf life expires first.

