Medicinal Products

Lybrol 5 mg tablete

Name Lybrol 5 mg tablete
Marketing Authorisation Number HR-H-300651090
Active Substance bisoprololfumarat
Composition jedna tableta sadrži 5 mg bisoprololfumarata
Pharmaceutical Form tableta
Manufacturer Jadran Galenski laboratorij d.d., Rijeka, Hrvatska
Chanelle Medical Unlimited Company, Loughrea, Co. Galway, Irska
Marketing Authorisation Holder Jadran Galenski laboratorij d.d., Svilno 20, Rijeka, Hrvatska
Marketing Authorisation Date 20.01.2020
MA Period of Validity unlimited
Classification Number UP/I-530-09/18-02/146
Registration Number 381-12-01/70-20-03
Prescription Medicinal product subject to medical prescription
Type of prescription ponovljivi recept
Distribution Supply through pharmacies (community)
Advertising to general public not allowed
ATC Code C07AB07
Marketing status stavljeno u promet
Shortage status nema nestašice
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