News and Educations

Information on submission of the Medicinal Products Sales Report for 2009


Under the provisions of Article 87 of the Medicinal Products Act (Official Gazette Nos 71/07 and 45/09) and the provisions of the Ordinance on the Type of Data and Reporting on the Consumption of the Finished Medicinal Products (Official Gazette No. 29/05), the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices collects sales data for finished medicinal products, and using such data, prepares the Reports on Consumption of Finished Medicinal Products in the Republic of Croatia.

We hereby invite all those who participate in the marketing of medicinal products in the Republic of Croatia to start submitting their medicinal products sales reports for 2009 to the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices as of 1 February 2010, when the Agency will publish the medicinal products code book for 2009.

The reports can be submitted through the Internet (the Agency website;, or on the appropriate electronic media (CDs, floppy disks), which must be delivered by mail or personally to the following address:
Agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode
Ksaverska cesta 4
10 000 Zagreb

Under the abovementioned Ordinance, the sales data for the finished medicinal products should be submitted to the Agency by 1 March of the current year.
