Results of the annual survey on HALMED's customers satisfaction
The Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (HALMED) has published on its webpages the results of the annual survey on customers satisfaction. Once a year HALMED carries out this investigation with the aim of continuous improvement of services and follow up of users needs. In the survey carried out in October 2014, the majority of participants evaluated HALMED with high grades (excellent and very good).
A number of prases are collected, as well as constructive suggestions, based on the open question type survey, where proposals were requested from users for improvement of the existing HALMED's services, proposals for additional services, recommendations and comments. Following to the received proposals, in the Customer satisfaction of HALMED's services section of our webpages, we present what HALMED has undertaken in order to further improve its organisation and business processes.
The Customer satisfaction of HALMED's services section is accessible on the front page of the HALMED's webpages or under this link.
We would like to thank all those who paticipated in surveys carried out by now as well as on their constructive suggestions, comments and prases. Customers of our services who wish to participate in this year's survey on customers satisfaction may register via e-mail to with the attention to (HALMED's customer satisfaction". For further information, please contact us by using the for in the Enquiries section.