Distribution, Manufacturing and Inspection

Preparation of Drug Utilisation Report

The type of data and procedures for preparation of a medicinal product utilisation report for all legal and physical entities involved in retail or wholesale of medicinal products are regulated by the Medicinal Products Act (Official Gazette, No. 76/13., 90/14., 100/18.) and respective Ordinance on the Type of Data and Manner of Drafting the Report on Medicinal Product Consumption (Official Gazette, No. 122/14).

In order to improve and modernize the data collecting system, the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (HALMED) introduced changes in the reporting process of medicinal product utilisation as from the beginning of 2013. Therefore, from that year, the reporting of medicinal products utilisation for the previous year is done exclusively through the web application "Farmakoekonomika".

The applicants who have already used the web application for entering utilisation data can continue with the on-going reporting procedure, whereas the applicants who have used a local application or e-mail for this purpose, should transfer to the new reporting system.

In order to access the "Farmakoekonomika" web application, each pharmacy should request from HALMED the user name and password, in case it had not yet received them, via the following e-mail address info.potrosnja@halmed.hr.

Please remember your user name and password for future logins.

Please provide the following data, in case you have not already submitted it to HALMED:

  1. registration number (the number under which the pharmacy is registered at the Commercial Court),
  2. name and address of the pharmacy and every pharmacy branch separately (city, street, county, phone number),
  3. name and surname of the person in the pharmacy or pharmacy branch responsible for entering data on pharmacy’s medicinal products utilisation.

The web application for importing data on medicinal product utilisation is available here (in Croatian).

The above mentioned web application offers two possibilities for data importing:

  1. automatic importing - by entering data files previously prepared to match the given format of the web application,
  2. manual importing - every entry is imported manually into the application.

In case you have selected the automatic importing, it is necessary to harmonise, with a programming support, the data gathered through applications you use in your pharmacy operations with the Agency’s Code List (.xls), (.xml) and prepare them in XML format, according to the procedure described in the data file EKOS_ver1102_22072008.pdf, available for download here (in Croatian).

Data prepared in accordance with this procedure is entered into the web application by choosing "Import potrošnje" ("Utilisation import") in the web application toolbar. By choosing "Browse" thereafter, the desired data file may be found on the own computer, and by choosing "Potvrda" ("Confirm") the prepared data is automatically imported into the web application.

In case of an error during the automatic import, the notified errors should be replaced with a programming support and the import repeated by clicking the command "Import potrošnje" ("Utilisation import"). The end of the above mentioned procedures for medicinal products utilisation importing is exerted by choosing "Prijava potrošnje" ("Utilisation reporting") in the toolbar and "Zaključati prijavu potrošnje" ("Lock the utilisation reporting") thereafter.

In case you have chosen the manual importing, the instructions for using the web application may be found by pressing the button "Help" or the key "F1".

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