
HALMED is running a survey in June 2015 on healthcare professionals’ view on the communication in safe use of medicines and communication efficiency


The Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (HALMED) has initiated in collaboration with the Croatian Association of General Practitioners (HDOD), Croatian Pharmaceutical Society (HFD) and Croatian Society of Cardiology (HKD) a survey on views of healthcare professionals how competent authorities, like HALMED in Croatia, communicate towards healthcare professionals new safety issues related to use of medicines. The survey is part of a broader pharmacovigilance EU project entitled SCOPE (Strengthening Collaboration for Operating Pharmacovigilance in Europe) aimed at improving the health safety of patients in the EU, by promoting co-operation among member states and providing support to competent authorities for medicines to meet the requirements of the EU pharmacovigilance legislation. The results of the survey will be used for optimisation of risk communication from competent authorities for medicines at the EU level.

As a result of HALMED’s efforts, the Republic of Croatia has been chosen with other Member States to participate in running this survey within the SCOPE project with the aim to provide a possibility to health care professionals to express their opinions and views on safety communication in medicines use. Other participating countries are Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands, Norway and Denmark. According to settings of the SCOPE project, HALMED invites all general practitioners, pharmacists and cardiologists to participate in the survey as a target group.

The scope of communicating safety information towards healthcare professionals is to contribute to health care protection by promoting a rationale, safe and efficacious use of medicines and prevent adverse reactions. The aim of this survey is to search through experiences of healthcare professionals in communicating the competent authority’s safety information, research their views on the efficacy of such a communication and find out what are health care professionals’ preferred communication channels.

The survey will be used to investigate experiences of general practitioners, pharmacists and cardiologists in communicating the safety information from competent authorities, as well as their views on efficacy of this communication and preferred channels for communicating the safety issues on medicines.

The survey consists of questions on the three specific types of communication on safe use of medicines that are used by competent authorities:

  • Dear Healthcare Professionals Letters,
  • communication from the national competent authority (i.e. via Newsletter),
  • education material,

The survey is running in June 2015 and the deadline for completing the survey is June 2015.

Further information on the survey is accessible here.

The survey is accessible on the webpages of the following societies: Croatian Society of General Practitioners (HDOD), Croatian Pharmaceutical Society (HFD) and the Croatian Society of Cardiology (HKD):
