Medicinal Products

Omniscan 287 mg/ml otopina za injekciju

Name Omniscan 287 mg/ml otopina za injekciju
Marketing Authorisation Number HR-H-725785510
Active Substance gadodiamidum
Composition 1 ml otopine sadrži 287 mg (0,5 mmol) gadodiamida
Pharmaceutical Form otopina za injekciju
Manufacturer GE Healthcare AS, Oslo, Norveška
GE Healthcare Ireland Limited, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork, Irska
Marketing Authorisation Holder GE Healthcare d.o.o., Avenija Dubrovnik 16/VI, Zagreb
Marketing Authorisation Date 04.12.2017
MA Period of Validity 04.12.2022
Classification Number UP/I-530-09/16-02/147
Registration Number 381-12-01/14-17-08
Prescription na recept
Type of prescription ograničeni recept
Distribution u ljekarni
Advertising to general public zabranjeno
ATC Code V08CA03
Medicinal product marketed in the Croatia Da


The Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices issued a Decision on suspension of the marketing authorisation for the concerned medicinal product on 04 December 2017 pursuant to the provision of Article 58, Paragraph 1, Sub-paragraph 3 of Medicinal Products Act (Official Gazette, No. 76/13 and 90/14). The marketing authorisation has been suspended based on Commission Implementing Decision C(2017) 7941 final of 23 November 2017 concerning, in the framework of Article 31 of Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, the marketing authorisations for gadolinium-containing contrast agents for human use which contain one or more of the active substances “gadobenic acid, gadobutrol, gadodiamide, gadopentetic acid, gadoteric acid, gadoteridol, gadoversetamide and gadoxetic acid”, by which Member States are obligated to suspend the marketing authorisations for medicinal products containing gadodiamide, gadopentetic acid and gadoversetamide, since the benefit-risk balance of these medicinal products is no longer favourable. The Agency can lift the suspension if the marketing authorisation holder submits evidence for clinically important benefits that are currently not established in an identified population or indication and which outweigh the risks related to the product or that the product (potentially modified or not) does not undergo significant dechelation and does not lead to retention of gadolinium in tissues.


Direct Healthcare Professional Communication

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Pismo zdravstvenim radnicima o najnovijim preporukama za gadolinijska kontrastna sredstva 04.12.2017 Bayer d.o.o., Bracco Imaging S.p.A., GE Healthcare d.o.o. i Pharmacol d.o.o.