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Agencija za lijekove i medicinske proizvode (HALMED) je 12. studenoga 2015. pokrenula svoj redizajnirani internetski portal. Pritom je u okviru portala izmijenjena struktura linkova odnosno URL adrese, te neke stranice privremeno neće biti dostupne putem internetskih tražilica, dok ih one ispravno ne indeksiraju.
Molimo Vas da sadržaj kojem želite pristupiti potražite izravno na adresi
Za sve ostale upite, molimo Vas da nam se obratite na:
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The Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of Croatia (HALMED) launched its redesigned web portal on 12 November 2015. The structure of links, or URL addresses, has changed and some pages will temporarily be unavailable via web search engines, until they are properly indexed.
Please, find the content you would like to access to directly at the address
For all other enquiries, please contact us at: