News and Educations

Standard Terms available exclusively via EDQM database


The Agency for Medicinal Products and Medicla Devices (HALMED) starts to use Standard Terms exclusively directly via database of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM & Healthcare). Namely, in the beginning of 2015 the EDQM decided to make publically accessible for free its Standard Terms data base. This notice was published on 12 January 2015 on the HALMED webpages.

More information and links to access the EDQM's database are available under the link below.


Presentations from the workshop „OTC Medicines: The role of good classification practices in promoting medication safety and accessibility in Europe“


The Council of Europe's European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM) has publishedon its website presentations held at the workshop „OTC Medicines: The role of good classification practices in promoting medication safety and accessibility in Europe“.

More information is accessible under the link below.


Results of the annual survey on HALMED's customers satisfaction


The Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (HALMED) has published on its webpages the results of the annual survey on customers satisfaction. Once a year HALMED carries out this investigation with the aim of continuous improvement of services and follow up of users needs. In the survey carried out in October 2014, the majority of participants evaluated HALMED with high grades (excellent and very good).

More information is accessible under the link below.


Temporary suspension of placing on the market of nine medicinal products due to non-compliance with the good clinical practice


Based on recommendations of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (HALMED) temporarily suspended the placing on the market of nine medicinal products in Croatia due to non-compliance with the good clinical practice. The clinical trials based on which the concerned medicinal products are authorised were carried out by GVK Biosciences at the investigational site in Hyderabad in India. Based on the fact that an inspection at the site discovered non-compliances with the good clinical practice rules, this temporary decision will be in effect until marketing authorisation holders have submitted new data, or carried out new trials on other sites.

In addition to the temporary suspension of placing on the market of these medicines, those medicines already on the market are being recalled to the pharmacy level.

This temporary suspension of placing on the market and recalls are being carried out as a precaution measures and are not initiated by safety reasons.

The list of medicines affected by the temporary suspension in Croatia is accessible here.


Notice on increased number of applications that may be submitted without previous appointment to the HALMED Registry Office


We inform all users of our services that as of 22 January 2015, it is possible to submit no more than 8 applications without previous appointment. The number of applications that may be submitted without appointment to the HALMED's Registry Office is increased from four to eight based on the proposal of our users from the survey on HALMED's customers satisfaction.

More information is accessible under the link below.
